

Logotipo de RedInncol


How to Donate?

Logotipo Davivienda RedInncol

Si vives en Estados Unidos, esto es para ti 

Nos aliamos con Caring for Colombia para que puedas realizar tu donación deducible de impuestos en Estados Unidos y recibas tu certificación.

Logotipo gofundme RedInncol

Resides en Australia, lee la  siguiente información

Realiza tu donación deducible de impuestos en Australia y recibe tu certificación.

Logotipo gofundme RedInncol

Support our dream of improving Colombia's public schools through PayPal

Logotipo ePayco RedInncol

Make your donation using our payment gateway by credit card, debit card, etc.

Logotipo Davivienda RedInncol

Directly to our Davivienda Savings Account No. 0011 00120 334 in the name of Red Inncol Foundation.

Did you come from Google Ads? Don't worry! We receive support from the Google for Non-Profits program with completely free ads. Your donation will NOT go towards the organization's administrative costs. Everything we receive is invested in our projects. If you have any questions please write us at juanossa@redinncol.com

Icono Birrete amarillo RedInncol

1,200 Students

2018 a 2021

Icono Colegios amarillo RedInncol

7 Schools

2018 a 2021

Your help makes our projects continue to be a reality.

Donate now!

Transparency and accountability

Icono ingresos RedInncol

Revenue 2022


Icono egresos RedInncol

Expenditures 2022


Icono Fondos RedInncol

Accumulated funds for 2023

COP $0