

Logotipo de RedInncol

How are we rethinking public education in Colombia?

Profesor de RedInncol enseñando armar piezas de un robot
Logotipo Apprendo Robótica
Robotics and computational thinking in public schools
Logotipo Apprender Paga
Implementation of EdTech tools in public schools
Estudiantes con nuevos Recursos RedInncol
Estudiante de RedInncol en frente de la computadora y con las manos en el teclado
Logotipo Red Saber
Test questions and practice material for the Saber 11 exams
Logotipo Apprendo Digital
Khan Academy in every corner of Colombia to support the learning processes of the country's students.
Estudiantes con nuevos Recursos RedInncol
Apprendo Robotics Logo

Robotics and computational thinking in public schools

RedInncol teacher teaching how to assemble robot parts
Apprender Paga logo

Digital learning in public schools

Students with new RedInncol Resources
Red Saber Logo

Support for saber 11 tests

RedInncol student in front of the computer and with her hands on the keyboard.
Apprendo Digital Logo

We promote the use of Khan Academy in all corners of Colombia to support students during school closures due to COVID 19.

Students with new RedInncol Resources
Logo Pre text to learn

We promote the use of Khan Academy in all corners of Colombia to support students during school closures due to COVID 19.

RedInncol students in a classroom with chairs far apart and studying on their cell phones.